CHARGE ‘EM (murder/rape)


A Nine year old boy stabs his father in the stomach, causing fatal injuries. He is arrested and charged with First Degree murder…….as an adult! Do you believe juveniles should be charged as adults?  Why or why not?

An Eighteen year old male has consensual sexual relations with an 16 yr old female.  The parents of the female find out the age of the male and contacts the authorities.  He is later arrested and charged with Statutory Rape and has to register as a Sex Offender for the rest of his life. In your opinion, is the charge and conviction justifiable?  Why or why not?


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 As I rise from my sleep,

I thank you lord for protecting me.

On this morning to you I pray,

And thank you for giving me a brand new day.

Thank you for giving me breath to breathe,

And for keeping the devil away from my dreams.

So as I stretch and open my eyes,

I prepare to follow for you are my guide.

Your concern for me, you will never sever,

Because you promised your faithful love continues forever.

I may not know what this day will bring,

But I ask that you continue to keep me safe in the shadow of your wings.

 In Jesus name, Amen

Written by DeShunda S. Brown

December 2007 © Copyright



Millions of people enjoy rough sex.  However the long-term health problems associated with rough sex can be life threatening.  Women are at risk for cervical cancer, early hysterectomy, miscarriages, thinning of the uterine wall, and a host of other consequences.  These problems may not surface until later on in life and may not be reversible.

According to NPR (National Public Radio)64 percent of cancers of the oral cavity, head, and neck in the U.S. are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), which is commonly spread via oral sex.  This cancer is caused by HPV (Human Papillomavirus).

Even if you are in a monogamous relationship, think about the long-term effects of rough and oral sex.  It may feel good to you at the moment and long-term effects may be the last thing that you are thinking about but it is well worth the thought. It can save you a life time of pain and suffering.




Let’s make a hot batch of  love, 

the main ingredient is the blessing from the man above.

Then we have to add ½ pound of tender kisses,

and a big cup of heavenly wishes.

 5 tablespoons of concern, and 6 tablespoons of consideration,

2 cups of encouragement and 3 cups of motivation.

 6 cups of loyalty mixed with 6 cups of trust,

be sure to add 6 cups of devotion, cause when you are making love, that is a must.

 1 pint of sweat and 2 pints of tears,

you can add 10 cups of that other stuff that I like to call years.

 3 quarts of tolerance and 4 cups of patience,

5 quarts of understanding because of the demand for what you are making.

 13 gallons of unconditional love must go into the mix,

add equal parts of flexibility, so your love wont get stiff.

 Add 3 cups of water for those rainy days,

to 6 cups of sunshine for when the rain goes away.

Some add 11 teaspoons of trials and tribulations, just enough to taste,

because when you don’t add that ingredient, it tends to taste a little fake.

Add 12 cups of passion, 12 cups of care

and 14 cups of loving-kindness to compliment all the years.

I like to add 10 cups of power, 10 cups of strength, and 14 cups of confidence to block out societies over-cooked nonsense.

Add 1 gallon of sincerity, gentleness, and peace,

put 2 gallons of honesty, 2 gallons of respect, so the trust will never cease.

Include 4 pounds of creativity so your love can stay fresh, and some faithfulness and some self-control, so your love wont be a mess.

Be sure to add some knowledge and some wisdom, you know, just for good sense, throw in some goodness and some joy with a dash a guidance.

Don’t forget the equality and freedom make each about 7 cups, and you can’t really be a love maker without adding any hugs.

You could put a handful of protection and some ambition too;

throw in some inspiration so all the ingredients can stick like glue.

Mix it all together, make sure you mix it well,

this is not a secret recipe, so be sure to show and tell.

Spread it out thick, get it all over your heart,

set your soul on high, and get your spirit ready to start.

Cook it for 24 hours, let it simmer for a while,

this meal will fill your stomach, it will carry you for miles.

So may this recipe fit into your life, like a hand fits a glove,

So that you too can call yourself a wonderful maker of love.

* This recipe includes the Fruits of the Spirit.

 Written By: DeShunda Brown 12/2007

What Will Become of Us


What will become of this American Society if qualified, skilled, and educated individuals can not obtain viable work due to a criminal record?

One of the things that will happen is there will be an abundance of work available. However, there will be nobody to man those positions because society is scared to accept the fact the 1 in 20 people have criminal records. Juveniles are establishing criminal behaviors at a growing rate, and even though most juvenile criminal records are sealed, the practiced behavior can extend way beyond adolescence making them criminal adults. This is an aging economy and people are retiring. Who will replace those that retire if no one will hire someone with a criminal record even though they are qualified?  Who will be prepared for Congress, The House of Representatives, or the Presidency?  Will we be left to choose between actors and businessmen who decide they can run for a senate seat or presidency? This will beome a reality because depending the charge,  the disadvantage, the poor, and women, are not eligible for financial assistance in the form of Financial Aid, making it almost impossible to increase their educational level which leads to better decision, less drug use, and more marriages, all of which increases the Social Economic Status (SES) of individuals.  A grave mistake is being made. People are being punished after being punished, offenders are being trained in prison, only to be released and meet employment obstacles for a jobs they have been trained to do.

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